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A 1992 report associated the use of anabolic steroids with tinea versicolor, a fungal skin disease sensitive to sun exposure.2 The prevalence of tinea versicolor in males aged 18 to 24 who used steroid steroids (n = 20) was 14%, and in females (n = 32) it was 31%. No tinea versicolor infections were reported among steroid users. D. Steroid Use in Females A 1991 retrospective report of 2,000 steroid users from a large study in the Czech Republic indicated that approximately 60% of the female group used steroids; a similar figure was reported in the Czech Republic.3 An article published in 1990 in the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry described the prevalence of nonmalignant tinea versicolor in a population of women in two states (Illinois and Missouri) who had sex with women. The authors reported a higher frequency of tinea versicolor in women than men in both the states with and without tinea versicolor. They did not provide a rationale for this finding, anabolic steroids for elderly. There is no empirical evidence that the abuse of steroids increases the risk of tinea versicolor, especially so when the doses used are comparable to those reported in the literature. In women older than 25 years, steroid abuse was associated with an increased risk of developing tinea versicolor, but no incidence of tinea versicolor was found among women who used steroids more than once per month, anabolic steroids fat face. In contrast, in a 1992 Swedish study, tinea versicolor was associated with steroid abuse among a group of 685 women from four large cities in Sweden. The incidence of tinea versicolor in these women was 4.7%, which was increased to 7.4% when they were using steroids less frequently (approximately twice per month). Tinea versicolor was associated with higher use of steroids during the past 12 months by 15, anabolic steroids for crohn's disease.9% for women younger than 23 years and by 7, anabolic steroids for crohn's disease.1% for younger than 24 years, anabolic steroids for crohn's disease.4 These risk factors were similar among men who used steroids more than once per month, anabolic steroids for crohn's disease. E. Steroid Abuse in Men In a study of 4,097 former steroid users of varying levels of history of steroid abuse between 1991 and 1992,5 the average age of their first sexual partner was 21 years, anabolic steroids for bodybuilding in india. Almost one third (29, anabolic steroids for erectile dysfunction.5%) of these men had experienced sex with fewer than three partners, anabolic steroids for erectile dysfunction. In addition, 19.7% of these males had had sex with a male with a history of steroid abuse, and 10.5% of these men had had sex with a man with a history of steroids but not
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